10 July 2021

Why Am I Not Surprised?

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) got caught on tape telling Republican activists to call the offices of Senator Manchin and Sinema to thank them for killing filibuster reform.

If you had any doubt that these two knowingly delivered on the Republican party Congressional agenda, and that GOP members of Congress know this, wonder no more:

Several Republican lawmakers were secretly filmed imploring conservative activists to flood a pair of centrist Democrats with messages of gratitude for holding firm on the filibuster, a 60-vote threshold that most bills need to clear the Senate.

The Democratic activist Lauren Windsor posted the video on Friday, two days after posting another one showing a GOP congressman calling for "18 more months of chaos" to jam Democrats. Both sets of remarks were made on June 29 at a Patriot Voices event attended by a large group of conservatives in Washington, DC.


"But thank goodness for Sinema and Joe Manchin," he said, referring to Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, both of whom have resisted a mounting chorus of Democratic calls to abolish the filibuster.

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida could then be heard urging activists to call the pair of centrist Democrats and thank them for refusing to blow up the filibuster.

"All of you in this room, people at home on Zoom, let me tell you right now, if you want to do one thing to keep the republic afloat, call Joe Manchin's office, call Kyrsten Sinema's office," he said.

The problem here is not that Manchin and Sinema are the sort of Democratic Senators that Republicans want, it's because that they are sort of Democratic Senators that Chuck Shumer and the Democratic Party establishment (There is no Democratic Party establishment) want as well, because their lack of integrity means that they can be easily influenced by lobbyists, which is how Chuck Shumer and the Democratic Party establishment (There is no Democratic Party establishment) want politics to work.

They are the apotheosis of the corruption and incompetence of Democratic Party establishment (There is no Democratic Party establishment).


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