13 December 2014

Why Does Maureen Dowd Still Have a Job?

It's one thing to ask for comment from a subject of a story, but preclearing the story with your subject before publication is not journalism, it's PR:
Leaked emails from Sony suggest that New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd promised to show Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal’s husband, Bernard Weinraub, — a former Times reporter — a version of a column featuring Pascal before publication.

The end result was a column that painted Pascal in such a good light that she engaged in a round of mutual adulation with Dowd over email after its publication. It also scored Pascal points back at the studio, with Sony’s then-communications-chief calling the column “impressive.”

The exchanges were uncovered in a trove of Pascal’s emails released as part of a massive hack on Sony carried out by the group known as “Guardians of Peace.” The column, published after the Academy Awards earlier this year, lamented how “Oscar voters and industry top brass are still overwhelmingly white, male and middle-aged.”
I've never understood the allure of MoDo.

She writes about the great issues of the day like a middle schooler dissing another girl's choice of shoes.

I expect that her job is safe,. but I really hope that her editor cuts her a new one about this.


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