09 December 2014

Stay Classy, My Friends

A bar in Missouri (or is that Misery?) was found to offer a "Michael Brown Special", 6 shots of Jose Cinge for $10:
A “Michael Brown Special” is now being offered at Mug Shots, a Missouri bar. The six shots of Jose Cinge for $10 drink has sparked quite a controversy both in the town of St. Joseph and around the country.

Mug Shots bar is reportedly known for its “sarcasm is always free” mantra. One of the co-owners of the Missouri bar now regrets his most recent attempt at sarcasm and the creation of the Michael Brown Special drink.

During an interview with WDAF-TV local news, the co-owner who asked not to be identified, said, “[The Michael Brown Special drink] was not meant to cause any harm. I should have thought a little bit more about it before I made it a shot special.”
Gee, you think?

It's on a par with the Trayvon Martin pistol targets.

Get back under your rock and stay there, you contemptible ratf%$#.


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