12 April 2012

My Conclusion is that Obama is Homophobic

I don't mean that he is personally homophobic, there is no evidence that I know of about that, but that he is is politically homophobic, and so is unwilling to do anything for gay rights unless absolutely forced to.

Writing an executive order mandating that federal contractors don't discriminate is literally the least that he could do, but for Mr. Hopey Changey, it's a bridge too far:
A surprising new rift opened between the White House and the gay rights movement after White House officials revealed Wednesday that President Obama would not sign an executive order sought by activists to prohibit federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Community advocates learned of the news during a closed-door meeting with two top Obama aides, Valerie Jarrett and Cecilia Munoz, who told the group that the White House would instead lead a multi-pronged effort to urge companies, federal agencies and others to oppose discrimination.
The Center for American Progress, which is Obama's bitch among the think tanks called this "Disappointing", and the HRC, another member of the Obama knee pad set was similarly pissed off.

It appears that Obama does not remember the, "Don't ask, Don't Give," efforts, but my guess is that he will:
And, just to confirm that it's not going to go away, we got this via press release;
Within hours of the White House announcement, the “We Can’t Wait!” campaign received a $100,000 cash infusion from liberal donor Jonathan Lewis, the son of major Democratic philanthropist Peter Lewis.

Quotes from Jonathan Lewis:

“This isn't a broken promise President Obama can blame on Congress. He has not been able to provide a single valid reason for why he is now refusing to sign the executive order protecting LGBT workers. It has become increasingly clear that this decision is based on cowardice rather than principled leadership."

“Over the past several years the LGBT advocacy groups have jumped through hoops for this administration, conducting extensive research and polling -- more than has been done for any similar executive order -- and now the only impediment is President Obama."

“This is nothing short of craven election-year politics, a game Obama told us he would not play.”
Jonathan Lewis and his father, Peter, are major contributors to progressive causes. And, by major, I mean they give millions.
Another reason to give to specific candidates, particularly in the primary, as opposed to OFA, the DNC, the DCCC, or the DSCC.

But hey, a wing of the Talibaptists at the Focus on the Family liked that he dissed the LBGT community.

Below, you can see Jay Carney saying that "more study is needed".  I guess that the unspoken assumption here is that gays are just too icky to have equal rights unless we can make bigots feel better about themselves.

Seriously, Andrew Breitbart was better on gay inclusion that Barack Obama is:

Seriously, how about not being a coward on this issue. Not being a coward gets you votes.


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