06 October 2011

Not Enough Bullets…

What happened in Chicago at the Occupy Wall Street protests there?

Some traders hung out a sign reading, "We are the 1%":
The Occupy Wall Street movement spread to Chicago this week, where protesters have gathered outside the Chicago Board of Trade, the world’s oldest options and futures trading center. Like the protesters in New York and other cities around the country, the group gathered to protest our nation’s growing income inequality, as the top 1 percent of Americans continue to see their incomes rise rapidly and their tax rates fall. The Chicago traders, confronted by the protesters’ “We are the 99 percent” message, crafted their own not-so-subtle reply, hanging signs in eighth-floor windows that said, “We are the 1%“:

I'm sure that these folks will carry their smirks on their faces until they see Madam Gillotine.

H/t Cthulhu.


Big Brother said...

Ah, but I like an honest monarchist.

Matthew G. Saroff said...

These are not honest monarchists.

There is no nobless oblige.

Rather they are the toxic misbegotten spawn of Ayn Rand.

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