03 August 2011

F%$# You Barry

As you may or not be aware, the Obama administration has regular meetings with liberal groups, it's called "Common Purpose", but it's better known as the "Veal Pen".

It's basically used to ensure that they don't do anything of value, ever, because the Obama staffers are control freaks, and because they are too busy pandering to reactionaries.

Well, things got a bit stroppy at the last veal pen, and so a senior administration official blamed liberals for Obama's craven surrender:
Yesterday, Sperling faced a series of questions about the White House's concessions on the debt ceiling fight and its inability to move in the direction of new taxes or revenues. Progressive consultant Mike Lux, the sources said, summed up the liberal concern, producing what a participant described as an "extremely defensive" response from Sperling.

Sperling, a person involved said, pointed his finger at liberal groups, which he said hadn't done enough to highlight what he saw as the positive side of the debt package -- a message that didn't go over well with participants.
There is always the excuse that it's just one person it's not representative of the administration attitudes, but you hear this sort of crap over, and over, and over again from members of the administration, including one Barack Hussein Obama.

Basically, it's always liberals fault, and they hate those uncouth hippies, and they know that if they punch them hard enough, that everything till turn out well.

H/t Americablog.


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