11 July 2010

I Love This Stuff, But I Don't Believe a Word of It

I feel the same way about Bill Scott and Jay Ward's Fractured Fairy Tales, though those typically had a greater proportion of reality than recent Russian weapons systems announcements.

Case in point, Russia is saying that it is working on a stealthy, 600 km/h combat helicopter.
Russian Helicopters Holdings, the corporate umbrella for Kamov, Kazan, Mil and Rostvertol, told the Moscow press yesterday the company will invest $1 billion to to develop a "fifth-generation helicopter". CEO Andrei Shibitov did not provide details, such as what exactly defines a fifth-generation helicopter.

But the Ria Novosti newswire reports Konstantin Sivkov, who is identified as the "first deputy head of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems", filled in some criteria: Invisible to radar, extended flying range, smart weapons, air-to-air capability and 310-370mph speed.
Well, that and $8.50 will get you a grande Starbucks.


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