07 May 2010

Jon Stewart Makes a Very Good Point

See profiling comment at 4:20
As always.

Actually, he makes a number of them, with the big one being, "What are we going to do in this country when we get attacked by someone who's not one of the Home Alone burgers?"

But there is the little point that he makes that I find far more trenchant.

He runs an ad put out by a Teabagger candidate running against Alan Grayson, Dan Fanelli, talking about profiling terrorists, and brings out two men, one swarthy and bearded, and one white and old, which asks "Where's Waldo" which one is the terrorist?

This leads the doyenne of late night news to ask the question himself, "Which one? Doctor Kevorkian on the left, or the cast member from The Jersey Shore on the right?"

Stewart's answer is that the terrorist who flew his plane into the IRS building in Texas looked an awful lot like Congressman wannabe Fanelli.


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