06 April 2010

You Know that the 'Phants are Crapping Their Pants When……

That look in his eyes is terror
When Karl Rove is so concerned about teabagger paranoia over the census that he as recorded a PSA for the decennial survey.

You see, the numbers are coming back, and it turns out that all over the Republican heartland, people are refusing to fill out the forms, because people like Michelle Bachmann and Glen Beck are telling them that it's all a ploy for Barack Obama's concentration camps for white folks.

What this means is that, probably for the first time in a very long time, that the under counting of minorities and immigrants may be balanced out by non-compliance among the suburban and rural white populations, which could move a few Congressional districts to bluer states, and change the shapes, of a few more.

I know that the census is important, and I know that it should be filled out promptly and accurately, but still, my initial thought is, "Heh. Hoist by their own petard."


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