07 April 2010

Jon Stewart Goes After Jon McCain

John McCain, in a tough primary fight with a man whose political corruption John McCain covered up is now denying that he was ever a maverick.

Considering the fact that it was every 3rd or 4th word out of his mouth in the campaign, this merits some comment, of a particularly scathing nature.

Well, luckily, Jon Stewart writes a lot better than I do, so I will just leave you with his comedic flaying of the "straight talking maverick" from Arizona:
But even with all that, you never felt like the guy was selling his soul. You just felt like he was maybe shaving little slivers of his soul …off …for money. But you still always felt like he maintained a controlling interest in his soul. Fifty-one percent of his soul. The majority shares of his soul. Until now.
And then he goes say that McCain is making "soul default swaps on the back end," in a masterful juxtaposition of corruption and our opaque financial system.

Really, I cannot do justice to what he does in just 5 minutes and 4 seconds.

He shows the hypocrisy and political cowardice of the the man that the Beltway pundits, and the Sunday talk show hosts, love beyond measure.

Of course the aforementioned Beltway pundits Sunday talk show hosts will never acknowledge that their guy is basically a selfish and petulant politician, but I think that the rest of America is starting to realize this.


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