09 April 2010

Breaking: Stupak Retiring

Bummer of a birth mark, Bart
So, after making a bid for national prominence by grandstanding on a woman's right to choose, and getting a primary challenger, the Teabaggers are still hating on him, and Rachel Maddow uncovered the fact that he was getting bribed with below market rents while he was living at "C Street," so he will not run for reelection:
Representative Bart Stupak of Michigan, who played a central role with fellow anti-abortion Democrats in negotiating a compromise in the final hours of debate that allowed the health care overhaul bill to pass, said on Friday that he would not seek re-election.

Mr. Stupak, a nine-term incumbent, has been under intense pressure from anti-abortion groups and others since the health care bill passed last month. At his request, President Obama signed an executive order outlining the prohibitions against the use of federal funds for abortion. But anti-abortion groups dismissed the executive order and pledged to defeat Mr. Stupak, whom they had once championed.
Let's be clear here: The Teabaggers would always have supported a Republican in the general, because they are a Republican movement.

In fact, it could be argued that they have captured the Republican party.

And when you never had the Teabaggers, or the Republican party, and you've just told the Democratic party to go Cheney yourself, you do not have much left to win an election with.

BTW, here is his challenger, and now putative nominee, Connie Saltonstall's Act Blue page.

Give generously, to keep the idiots at the DCCC and DNC from trying to anoint a Conservadem between now and the primary.


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