07 February 2010

Sometimes, I Just Don't Give a Sh%$

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I do this for shopping lists all the time!
And it aggravates me no end when the liberal blogosphere sends me marching orders* to talk about something that I really don't give a sh%$ about.

Case in point, Sarah Palin's use of notes scribbled on the palm of her hand for the softball Q&A following her speech at the Teabagger convention.

People make notes. People make notes in the palms of their hands, yours truly included.

Even if Sarah Palin were to memorize the Congressional Record, she would still be a moron with narcissistic personality disorder.

Yes, it reinforces the meme, but it really means very little.

*There are no actual marching orders, it's satire. I am making fun over the entire tempest in a teapot aspect of this. There is so much wrong with Sarah Palin, it seems to me to be shooting fish in a barrel.


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