10 February 2010

Obama Buys a Clue (Finally!)

We how have reports that in a private meeting with David Boehner, Obama said that the Republicans are not interested in doing the work of government:
At the private White House meeting today between Obama and Congressional leaders, the President and John Boehner got into a testy exchange, aides say, with Obama charging that the GOP is just out to kill all his initiatives.


That apparently irked the President, aides say, who accused Boehner of just wanting to kill all his initiatives. Boehner shot back that this was false, that Republicans are serious about bipartisan cooperation.
Now that you know the truth, just f%$# them.

Bipartisanship only works if both sides are interesting in helping the country. The Republicans are not, so there is no benefit to reaching out to them, period, full stop.


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