12 February 2010

Don't Let the Door Hit Your Ass on the Way Out, Billy Boy

So PhRMA (the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) has just fired* Billy Tauzin, because the deal that he cut with the Obama administration, basically a few penniess in promised savings so as to forestall price controls and drug reimportation.

Now that the healthcare plan is in shambles, it's likely that stuff will be passed piecemeal, and high on that list will be drug reimportation.

Tauzin got his $2 million a year job because he pushed through the Medicare drug benefit, which was basically sloppy anilingus to PhRMA, and the gig was his payoff.

Couldn't happen to a more evil piece of sh%$.

*Yes, I know that the story says that a, "friend of Mr. Tauzin, speaking on condition of anonymity," says that he is, "leaving the trade group job voluntarily to pursue other activities," but seriously, don't take us for idiots.


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