10 February 2010

Ben Nelson and Blanch Lincoln Need to be Reminded What it Means to Be a Democrat

It's one thing to oppose a presidential appointee of your own party, but Ben Nelson Blanche Lincoln, just filibustered Craig Becker to serve on the National Labor Relations Board, and that crosses a line.

Their committee chairmanships should be in doubt, though that won't happen with Harry "Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man" Reid leading the senate.

Note also that Nelson spoke out strongly against filibustering Bush appointees, but he's with it when it involves Obama.

In either case, this is where a line should be drawn.

The reason for the filibuster? Because Craig Becker has represented labor unions as a lawyer. No problem with nominating union busting lawyers, but nominating a lawyer that supports workers' rights? So Ben Nelson, and the Senator from WalMart filibustered him.

Needless to say, the AFL-CIO has blown a gasket over Nelson's vote, I think that they understand that Lincoln is bought and paid for by WalMart.


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