17 December 2009

Senate Banking Committee Passes Bernanke

The vote was 16-7, with 1 Democrat, out of 13 on the committee and 6 Republicans out of 10 on the committee voted against:

Christopher Dodd (D)Jeff Merkley (D)
Tim Johnson (D) Richard Shelby (R)
Jack Reed (D) Jim Bunning (R)
Chuck Schumer (D) Mike Crapo (R)
Evan Bayh (D) Jim DeMint (R)
Robert Menendez (D) David "Diaperman" Vitter (R)
Daniel Akaka (D) Kay Bailey Hutchison (R)
Christopher Dodd (D)
Sherrod Brown (D)
Jon Tester (D)
Mark Warner (D)
Herb Kohl (D)
Michael Bennet (D)
Bob Bennett (R)
Bob Corker (R)
Mike Johanns (R)
Judd Gregg (R)

I'm not sure if the Republican voted against Bernanke because they believe that the economy will suck in 2010, and they want to be able to say that they opposed "helicopter Ben", or if they are opposing him just because he's Obama's nominee, but it's pretty clear that there will be some number greater than 2 Republicans who will be willing to vote for cloture, so it's pretty much a done deal.

It sucks, because not only does Bernanke conflate the well being of Wall Street with that of the nation, but he's also pretty right wing, see his comments earlier on gutting Social security.


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