11 November 2009

People to Whom You Should Consider Giving Money To

The following congressmen, Ann Kirkpatrick, Harry Mitchell, Gabrielle Giffords, Dennis Moore, John Hall, Alan Grayson, Mark Schauer, Mike Arcuri, Steve Kagen, Jerry McNerney, Melissa Bean, Debbie Halvorson, Bill Foster, Tim Walz, Bill Owens, Carol Shea-Porter, Tim Bishop, Dina Titus, Mary Jo Kilroy, and Kurt Schrader all voted for healthcare reform and against the Stupak amendment, and they all have districts that imply a close election.

See this ActBlue link.

You can donate to them all at once at the link, or separately, as, for example, Grayson has already raised over $400,000 on act blue, and Melissa Bean is way too friendly with the banking industry, though she is good on other things.


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