08 November 2009

Pay Per View Review

Well, it was time for another family movie, and it was my choice, and my Sharon absolutely put her foot down about the Simpsons Movie, so I chose Monsters vs Aliens.

Reese Witherspoon...Susan Murphy / Ginormica (voice)
Seth Rogen ... B.O.B. (voice)
Hugh Laurie ... Dr. Cockroach Ph.D. (voice)
Will Arnett ... The Missing Link (voice)
Kiefer Sutherland ... General W.R. Monger (voice)
Rainn Wilson ... Gallaxhar (voice)
Stephen Colbert ... President Hathaway (voice)
Paul Rudd ... Derek Dietl (voice)

It's an old story, girl is going to get married, girl gets struck by meteor, girl grows to humongous size, girl gets imprisoned in a secret government facility....

Actually, it is an story. It's the Wizard of Oz story with a bit of a twist.

I realized this about ¾ of the way through the movie.

That being said, it is well animated, well acted, and well scripted, and rather enjoyable.

It's also a movie that does well with the pause and rewind buttons, because there are a number of fractured takes on old SF films and film conventions.

The big surprise here are appearances by Stephen Colbert as the president of the United States, where he most amusingly chews scenery.

Watch through the credits.

Recommended, with one caveat: If you love the golden gate bridge, you may cry at one point.

Pictures after the flip.


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