03 November 2009

Good Riddence, You Bigoted Pig Felching Bastard

Remember when I wrote about Keith Bardwell, Justice of the Peace for Tangipahoa Parish in Louisiana? He refused to conduct interracial marriages.

Well, he just resigned as JP, because he lawyers said that he would lose the civil suit filed by the couple he declined to marry.

Here's hoping that the US Attorney will pursue a criminal civil rights violation anyway.


Guest said...

You are amazingly analytical except when it comes to examining positions with which you disagree.

The overwhelming amount of quantitative evidence suggest that inter-racial marriages are in fact unstable and that the children resulting from such unions face a life of alienation.

Guest said...

Dear guest--
Can you provide a link to that 'quantitative evidence'?
I live in a metro area that includes over 7 million people, and for several years there has been no majority here, only a plurality of races. There are interracial gang wars, primarily between different ethnic groups involved in the drug trade, and these are usually first generation migrants (and yeah, a lot of them are illegal MS-13 types).
However, in the general non-druggie population, the local genome is so scrambled that racial identification has become pretty irrelevant. So I'd like to see whatever studies back up your claim about the adjustment of interracial children--in particular, to see what regions of the country were included in the study, the power of the study (number of children, experimental design, etc), and the years over which the data was collected.
A study done in the 1970's is not likely to remain accurate today; a study done in Salt Lake is not likely to generalize to the rest of the country, etc.

smallpricklymammal said...

my apologies to Matthew for the above multiple copies of the same post. The website burped and kept telling me the posting process failed.

Matthew G. Saroff said...

No problem, I fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Here are some recent papers on the matter:

"Marital Dissolution Among Inter-racial Couples"


"But Will It Last?": Marital Instability among Interracial and Same-Race Couples



Matthew Saroff said...

Since over 50% of all marriages in the US end in divorce, it is mathematically impossible for the delta to be that great, as it runs up against the 100% bound.

Statistics show that Blacks do worse and Asians do better academically....How is denying entry to schools on the basis of race not bigoted?

That is the argument that is being made here.

This man is using an argument to justify his bigotry.

It's known that the possibility of divorce decreases with age and education, but he's not refusing to marry 18 year old high school dropouts, just blacks and whites, because the aesthetics offends him.

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