09 September 2009

Live Blogging Barack Obama's Healthcare Speech (With Generous Cynicism)

8:05 pm Watching MSNBC, talking heads going on and on.

8:12 pm Elvis has entered the building.....He is in the doorway.

Now He is walking in, shaking hands, smiling....Mitch McConnel looks like he has just eaten a lemon.

8:16 He's started talking.

8:18 Talks about recovery and creating jobs....He's claiming victory, in "pulling the economy back from the brink" (rolling my eyes)

8:22 States obvious: Only modern nation without coverage, etc.

8:23 Talks about how insurance companies sucked, cutting off coverage, etc. Also mentions how it inhibits entrepreneurial activity and business competitiveness.

8:26 Takes a shot at the left about how "disruptive" single payer is. I guess it's the audacity of nope.

8:28 Accusing people of politics, without naming who is playing the politics....Wimp.

8:29 Claims that his plan will save cost, expand coverage, etc.:
  • No change of coverage is required.
  • Make pre-existing condition coverage denial illegal (what about jacking up the rates?)
  • Will make rescission illegal.
  • Eliminate annual and lifetime caps.
  • Limit on out of pocket expenses.
  • Coverage of routine diagnostic procedures.
  • Will create an "insurance exchange", after 4 years....What a damn cop out.
  • Tax credit based on need.
  • Tax people who don't buy healthcare.
  • Tax businesses who do not supply healthcare.
  • 95% of small differences will not have to pay tax, whicm means something like 30% of employees, feh.
8:39 Calling some lies as lies: No "death panels" no coverage for illegal aliens, and he just sold abortion rights down the river. Go Cheney your self.

8:40 Comes out for public option, mentions that there are monopolies in most states, but is there a veto threat for no public option?

8:40 Says that only 5% of of people would take public option, a convenient lie, and says that there would be no tax dollars spent on the system. He minimizes its impact.

8:44 Calls the public option is only a means to an end. Translation: He is willing to throw public option under the bus. Says that he won't back down on a "choice," but mentions alternate plans, like the wimpy co-ops as possibilities.

8:46 Promises not to sign a plan that adds "one dime" to the deficit. Wants a "Paygo" provision in the health plan. Thinks that most of cost can be covered by elimination of waste in the system.

8:48 Time to pander to the AARP. Just eliminate waste, and reduce prescription drug payments at the same time.

8:52 Will tax "Cadillac" insurance plans.....Camel's nose is under the door, it will work its way down.

8:53 Sells plaintiff's lawyers down the river. "Malpractice reform" is bullshit, just look at the most plaintiff unfriendly state, Texas, and McKinney (IIRC) which is among the most expensive area in the nation.

8:55 What's with the sour looking dude holding the paper in the air?

8:56 Says that he will call out liars.....I'll believe it when I see it.

8:57 Invokes Ted Kennedy.

8:58 Invokes America's "rugged individualism"....I take the Dilbert view, "rugged induhvidualism".

9:02 "We did not come to fear the future, we came to shape it." Very nice turn of phrase.

Final assesment: Well delivered, well written, but he's clearly willing to sell a public option down the road, but wants to be a deficit hawk.

He gives good speech, but the content is lacking.


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