02 September 2009

Godwin's Law Does not Apply*

The reason that Godwin's law does not apply here is because we are talking about Patrick Buchanan, and, on the 60th anniversary of the start of WWII, he's writing about how the war really wasn't Hitler's fault at all, but the fault of those meddling English.

OK, we know that he is a pro-Nazi kook, and we know that his Dad was involved in the German American Bund, so we can only imagine what little Patty's dinner table discussions were like, but why does this man have a soap box at MSNBC and other networks?

The issue is not that he is an anti-Semitic and racist kook, it is that mainstream media outlets still feel compelled to give him access?

To quote the late, great Molly Ivins, "The speech was so much better in the original German."

[on edit] I did not link directly to Pat Buchanan's article, though I read it, because I did not want to drive page views.

*Which states that, "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1," with a corollary that, "the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress."
It should be noted that this law has not been considered to apply exclusively to Usenet discussions for at least a decade, and is applied generally to all forms of electronic text based communications.


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