10 September 2009

An Endorsement

I have added Rob Miller to Matthew Saroff's Act Blue Page.

You may not know who he is, but he is running for Congress in SC-02 against incombent Joe Wilson (R). Joe Wilson is the guy who shouted, "You Lie" during Obama's speech.

The ironic part is that if he had said that in response one of the most objectively true assertions during the whole speech.

Miller appears to have raised something like $100K in the past 12 almost 300K in the past 16 hours over $300K in the past 18 hours.

Aw hell...Is there a way to dynamically embed this data?

Ahhh, here we go:

Had to use the depreciated "iframe" tag to make it work in IE.

Any hints on how to make the "embed" tag, aka proper HTML, work in MicroFlaccid's browser?


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