15 May 2009

Lying Two Faced Rat Bastard!

I have a joke for you:
Q:What's the difference between Barack Obama and Dick Cheney?
A: I have no damn clue, because Barack Obama is restarting the military tribunals:
Military Tribunals Will Resume, Obama Says

By Peter Finn
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 15, 2009 1:55 PM

President Obama said today he will revive military commissions but with greater legal safeguards for defendants to try some terrorist suspects held at the military base in Cuba.

The decision, which follows an intense internal debate, represents something of a reversal by the president who said during the campaign that military courts martial or the federal courts offered a better route to successful prosecution because he said military commissions had been an "enormous failure."

In recent weeks, however, the administration appears to have bowed to fears articulated by the Pentagon that bringing some detainees before regular courts presented enormous legal hurdles and could risk acquittals.
Risk acquittals? You are doing this because of a Risk of Acquittals?


If you don't have a "risk of acquittal", it's a F$#@ING show trial. So you are pre-announcing that the military commissions are a fraud, because, you don't want to "risk acquittals"

He's claiming that they will be fairer than the commissions that Bush came up with, because....Because, He's Barack Obama, and he's just so F$#@ING awesome.

Wrong! We are the United States of America, our whole system of government is about not relying on our leaders being, "so F$#@ING awesome," it's about the F$#@ING rule of F$#@ING law.

I don't care how F$#@ING awsome you F$#@ING think you are, that's not how Americans do things.

That weren't bad enough you also have this:
The administration is still grappling with how to handle the cases of detainees that are deemed too dangerous to release, but that some in the Pentagon fear cannot be prosecuted in any legal forum. That could lead to the creation of a system of indefinite detention without charge backed by some form of regular court review.
Well, there's another wonderful bit of accepting who we are as a nation: If there is anything that defines American jurisprudence, and the things that our founding fathers, commie pinkos like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin, it was that they found the very idea that someone could use the state could detain someone forever without any recourse to legal process to be an anathema.

It's wrong, it's stupid, and it's un-American.

Glenn Greenwald, who is far kinder than I am, or perhaps more well spoken (better writer is a given), calls this "Obama's kinder, gentler military commissions." He quotes many people who are now serving in the Obama administration, as well as President Obama when he was candidate Obama, noting that the problem is not just that the processes were wrong, but that the entire idea of a special court with special procedures is wrong.

What is most pernicious, quoting a letter in response to Greenwald's article is this:

The other aspect of it, and you hinted at this the other day, is this: Under Bush, half the country was trained to recite all sorts of dangerous propositions about how important it is to vest The President with all sorts of powers to keep us safe, how vital it is that he keep things secret to protect us from the Terrorists, how we can trust in our leaders to exercise in ways we don't understand because we know he's good at heart.

And now, with Obama, a significant portion of the other half of the country is being trained to recite the same things.

Once again proving that almost any person on the Internet can write, and think, more clearly than I can.

And then there's what Digby said:
By the way, I have to wonder why it's taken centuries to come up with the civilian and military justice systems? Apparently, creating a new one is piece of cake. Why all the sturm and drang with appellate court challenges and legislation? Just put it in a presidential memo and carry on.
What has been announced today is disgraceful.


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