14 May 2009

Another Day, Another Obama Backdown on a Campaign Promise

So now Barack Obama is saying that they just don't have the votes to pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA):
President Barack Obama said there aren’t enough votes in the Senate to pass “card-check” legislation sought by labor unions and only a revamped measure would have a chance getting through Congress.

“There may be areas of compromise to get this bill done,” Obama said today a town hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque.
Suck it up man!

You are the President of the United States of America! Your job is to find the votes for this.

He thinks that by not pushing this, he'll get cooperation from the 'Phants healthcare or his other initiatives. He's wrong.

And, BTW, I am sick and tired of all these people claiming that he's playing some sort of ten dimensional chess, he's not.

He figures that labor has no where else to go, so he will not work for them.


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