02 February 2009

Broken News and Accusations of Witchcraft

So I'm surfing the net and come across PZ Myers on his blog Pharyngula talking about an ACLU press release about a student in Oklahoma who was suspended for allegedly placing a hex on a teacher which resulted in a "mystery illness".

So I set fingers to keyboard, and write a ferociously critical piece, invoking knowledge, Texas, and, of course Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and while I'm Googling to see the outcome of the case I notice something in the ACLU press release:
ACLU of Oklahoma Files Federal Lawsuit on Behalf of Student Accused of "Hexing" a Teacher (10/26/2000)
(emphasis mine)

It's from almost 9 years ago, and the events in question occurred 10 years ago, and Lifetime made a TV Movie about it, but that still does not mean that you can't have a minor Blogasm over this. (Google Search Link)

I'm just glad that I noticed the dateline before I made a complete ass of myself.

For those of you wondering, the judge dismissed the case, and assessed legal fees against the parents, who then dropped the case in exchange for the fees being waived.

I still need an excuse to invoke Monty Python though....I'm Jonesing for it right now.


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