15 January 2009

They Tried to Declare an 11 Year Old an Enemy Combatant?

Seriously, it's nice that the judge ordered the release of Mohammed El Gharani, who is now 21, because there was no credible evidence to hold him, but among their accusations was this gem.
The government also accused Gharani of belonging to a London-based al-Qaeda cell in 1998, an accusation that Leon questioned. Gharani was 11 at the time, living with immigrant parents in Saudi Arabia, his attorneys said.
(emphasis mine)

So they discovered that they had no evidence, and so they accused him of being a terrorist at age 11???

He was picked up in Pakistan in 2002, when he was apparently 14.

So, he has been at Gitmo for something like 6 years, and doubtlessly tortured "subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques"...For a 14 year old boy, who was accused of being an 11 year old terrorist.

I can't see this as anything but monstrous, and everyone involved in this process needs to go to jail for a very long time.

I don't see how you describe anyone involved in the process without invoking Eichmann and the banality of evil.


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