15 July 2008

Some More Senate Polls

In Louisiana, we have Rasmussen Reports™ saying that:
U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu now attracts 49% of the vote in her bid for re-election while Republican challenger John Kennedy earns 44%. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows that, when “leaners” are included, it’s Landrieu 51% Kennedy 45%.
I think that this is significant, because she is above 50%, which is the worry point for an incumbent.

We also have an SurveyUSA Election Poll for Minnesota which shows Franken down by 13%, 39% to 52% to Coleman.

Both Survey USA and Rasmussen are reliable, so I'm unclear whether this poll, or the one from last night, which showed Franken up by 2%, is accurate.

In terms of how much I care, I care more about Minnesota than Louisiana, because we have a real Democrat running in Minnesota, and I think that after the ethnic cleansing of post Katrina Louisiana, the state is no longer viable territory.


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