10 July 2008

The Rude Pundit Picks His Battles

The Rude Pundit notes that he gets a lot of chickensh#@ criticisms of Obama in his email from people who never listed to what Obama said, and so are shocked to find that he is pro gun, pro death penalty, pro "faith based program", etc. and in his own profane way, says that these people are either clueless, or McCain concern trolls.

That being said, but he does state that there are valid critiques:
Like this one: Barack Obama's reversal of his position on the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 was a craven, cowardly bullsh#$ move that ought to haunt him with the left (and libertarian right) for the rest of the campaign. By voting for the bill yesterday (including voting for cloture), Obama made a mistake that is the political equivalent of Hillary Clinton's Iraq war vote. (They are not morally equivalent, since the dead would probably rather be alive and spied on.) And while there's no telling how Clinton would have voted had she been the nominee, just as there's no way to know how Obama would have voted on the war had he been in the Senate in 2002, the New York Senator was unencumbered and able to take the moral high ground and voted against the bill.
I honestly believe that the Rude Pundit cannot believe that he wrote that Hillary Clinton took the high moral ground.

I can't believe that I'm writing that Hillary Clinton took the high moral ground.

In any case, if Obama loses to the sick old man in November, he did it today, because at its core, much of the power of movement supporting him comes not from the number of supporters, but from the enthusiasm of those supporters, and a whole lot of them are seriously non-enthused.

He just made the same vote that Hillary Clinton did to authorize the war. The only question is whether it will kill his campaign as it did hers.

In any case, go read his post. He's always insightful and entertaining, if somewhat profane.


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