14 July 2008

Magazine's 'satirical' cover stirs controversy - Yahoo! News

Well, the New Yorker just put our a new issue, and the cover is something else.

David Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker, defends the cover as "Satire, Meant To Target "Distortions And Misconceptions And Prejudices" About Obama."

So a cartoon showing Barack Obama in Muslim garb, with a flag burning in the fireplace, bin Laden's portrait on the wall, fist bumping with an AK-47 toting Michelle Obama is satire.

It may have been intended as such, but it's not satire...or at the very least, it's so poorly done that the satire is invisible to the observer, even one who is familiar with the magazine.

Interestingly enough, I think that the strongest critique, albeit an unintentional one, is a comment made by Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg in the National Review Online, he says that, "It's almost exactly the sort of cover you could expect to find on the front of National Review."

Well, yes it is, but the long term racism of the National Review is well known. William F. Buckley was supporting segregation into the 1970s.

We expect the National Review to be this stupid and racist. We don't expect the New Yorker to be this stupid or racist.


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