16 July 2008

Harry Reid Prepares to Stick It to Tom Coburn

Tom Coburn, the Australopithecine Senator from Oklahoma, has repeatedly abused the Senate courtesy known as a "hold", and has applied it to over 100 bills, and Harry Reid has had enough, so he has repackaged all of these bills into an omnibus legislative package that will hit the floor in August.

Reid in uncharacteristically blunt language, says of Coburn, "For those of you who may not know this, you cannot negotiate with Coburn. It's something that you learn over the years, that it's a waste of time."

Seeing as how this legislation will have earmarks and pork for many pet projects, all Reid has to do is to peel off 9 Republicans limit debate and get it passed.

Of course, they could vote against the bills....two months before election day....


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