16 July 2008

Economics Update

The Consumer Price Index CPI, just
jumped 1.1% in June. For the past 12 months, it's been 5.5%.

Considering how bogus the CPI stats have become, I'd be inclined to at at least 3% to both numbers, but but I'm an engineer, not an economist, dammit!*

On the other hand, oil is now down about $11 over two days, which would explain why the dollar is holding steady for now, though we are not seeing any good news at the pump, as we hit a new record again.

Industrial production in June was up by 0.05%, which beat expectations, though part of that number was a rebound from the strike at American Axle in May.

Mortgage applications were up 1.7% last week, though I'm not sure how much of this is low rates, and worry about rising rates, and noise.

Let me finish that I will have a separate post on the GSE's and how their possible reduction/elimination of dividends may have led to the SEC's restrictions on naked shorting.

*I LOVE IT when I get to go all Doctor McCoy!!!


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