03 March 2008

Memo Shows That Goolsbee Did Talk Down Opposition to NAFTA to Canadian Ambassador

Austan Goolsbee needs to be released from the Obama campaign. The Republicans, and the McCain loving press, will "Gore" Obama over this if he doesn't.

We now have documentation. The memo says of Goolsbee that, "He cautioned that this messaging should not be taken out of context and should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans."

It should be stated that Goolsbee disputes this characterization, though, it would appear, not the meeting.

He may have done nothing wrong. It doesn't matter. Goolsbee needs to be let go. He is now a liability for the campaign, though it would seem not as big a liability as Penn is for Hillary.

BTW, the original hed for the article wass, "Obama Adviser Denies Trade Remarks", it's now, "Canadian Memo Recounts Meeting".

I'm sorry but the first headline was just plain deceptive. Not a fault of the reporters, who do not do the heds.


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