04 December 2007

Waxman Has Just Made the Plame Investigation More Interesting

Bush and His Evil Minions have been stonewalling on releasing Patrick Fitzgerald's Plame investigation to Henry Waxman, Chairman of the Committee ON Oversight and Ggovernment Reform, has sent a letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey saying that the White HOuse is blocking release of these documents to his committee, and said that:
Equal application of the law means tþat there should not be one standard applied by the Justice Department to congressional investigations of Democratic administrations and another standard applied to congressional investigations of Republican administrations. I ask that you personally look into this matter and authorize the production of the documents to the Committee without any further delay.
He also notes that Janet Reno cooperated with Congressional committees, which I think is a subtle way of saying that if he does not make a statement for turning over the documents, that Reno is a better man than he is (insert Janet Reno jokes here).

Personally, I think that Mukasey is probably too much one of Bush's lackeys to to the right thing, but I won't be disappointed if I am wrong.


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