08 November 2007

Bush Dogs Move to Block Mortgage Reform

It now appears that the Bush Dogs are taking the side of abusive mortgage issuers over the people harmed by this fraud. Chris Bowers has it right:
It's time to understand that Bush Dogs are part of a working conservative majority. They are not our friends, they are not our allies, they are political opponents who want to bail out wealthy investors and hurt people trapped in subprime mortgage markets. Politically, they are also the people hurting Democratic capacity to differentiate ourselves as populists and capture swing areas and exurban Republicans hurt by the housing meltdown.
I would take it further. These people are so damaging to the party, and to the country, that liberals shoule provide significant opposition to them in both the primaries and the general election.

The Democrats are going to pick up seats in 2008. If alle of these seats are foregone in order to excise Bush Dogs from the party, it would be a good thing.


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