16 October 2007

Top Air Force Procurement Official Dies in Apparent Suicide

I don't recall if I've written of this matter before, but while waiting for his white house clearance, Charles D. Riechers, was paid $13,400 a month by a private contractor, Commonwealth Research Institute, while he awaited clearance from the White House for his selection as principal deputy assistant secretary for acquisition. He was paid for no work at all, which sounds suspiciously like a birbe

The Commonwealth Research Institute and it's Parent, Concurrent Technologies Corp. are tax exempt, but their primary business is defense contracting, which is odd.

This is freaky, and CRI and CTC are Jack Murtha's best buddies, as Will Bunch notes. Frequently, Murhta's press releases sounding as ife they were written by CTC PR flacks.

Mr. Bunch has repeatedly warned folks about Murtha, and it appears that this may be hitting the news shortly. Dead bodies have a way of getting journalists looking into things.


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