06 July 2007

Bush To Seek New Powers to Spy on Political Opponents

There is credible evidence that Bush's illegal wireless surveillance activity targeted CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour in 2004.

Her husband is James Rubin, who served as Wesley Clark's chief foreign policy spokesman, and then as a senior foreign policy adviser for John Kerry, so he would be included in any such surveillance. It's unavoidable.

Does anyone believe that these intercepts did not get passed off to Karl Rove?
VOA News - Bush Seeks Changes in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

By Deborah Tate
Capitol Hill
05 July 2007

The Bush administration is seeking to update a law governing U.S. foreign intelligence surveillance. But members of the Democratic majority in Congress are signaling they may be reluctant to approve the proposed changes because they have concerns about a controversial administration wiretapping program. VOA's Deborah Tate reports from Capitol Hill.

The Bush administration is asking Congress to approve changes to the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA. The proposed modifications would give the government more power to gather foreign intelligence information. Supporters say the changes would bring the law up to date with changes in new technology, including e-mail and wireless communications.



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