07 June 2007

Your FDA at Work: Poisoning your Pets Edition

This is VERY significant. Acetaminophen is VERY toxic to cats and dogs, and cause liver failure. (It can with humans too, but only with a significant OD)

This is the free market ownership society that the 'Phants want us to live in.
Texas lab finds pain medicine in pet food
By Karen Roebuck
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating a Texas laboratory's finding of acetaminophen in dog and cat food, an agency spokesman said Monday.

'We're very interested in being able to test these samples ourselves to determine the levels of those contaminants,' said FDA spokesman Doug Arbesfeld. 'What's significant is these things are there. They don't belong there.'"

The pain medication is the fifth contaminant found in pet foods during the past 2 1/2 months and can be toxic or lethal to pets, especially cats. It is not known if any animals became sick with acetaminophen poisoning, or died from it.

'We were looking for cyanuric acid and melamine, and the acetaminophen just popped up,' Donna Coneley, lab operations manager for ExperTox Inc. in Deer Park, Texas, told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review yesterday. 'It definitely was a surprise to find that in several samples.'"


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