14 June 2007

China Blasts US for Stupid Comment.

Someone needs to tell the Bush admin that this kind of false macho bullsh$# does not fly in the real world.

Better yet, someone should show them.

Oh...I forgot. Muqtada al Sadr already has

China says U.S. remarks on its military irresponsible

Thursday, June 14, 2007; 5:31 AM

BEIJING (Reuters) - China denounced U.S. comments on its defense spending as "irresponsible" on Thursday and defended its military budget, saying it was open and transparent.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang also called on the United States to stop selling weapons to Taiwan, the self-ruled island China considers its own, and to refrain from "sending any wrong signals to Taiwan secessionist forces."

"China sticks to the role of peaceful development," Qin told a news conference.

"On the military expenditure of China, we are transparent and open. The U.S. official's remarks disregard the facts and spread the China threat theory," Qin said.

On Wednesday, Richard Lawless, the U.S. deputy undersecretary for defense for Asia, was reported to have accused China of concealing its spending on its weapons programs.

"What we see is a deliberate effort on the part of China's leaders to mask the nature of Chinese military capabilities," Lawless told the U.S. House Armed Services Committee.



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