14 June 2007

Av Week Editorial Slams "U.S. Footdragging" On Global Warming

As I have said before, AW&ST has a fairly right wing editorial page, and this an indication that the scientific whores trying to cast doubt on global warming have lost.
U.S. Global Warming Initiative Is A Step Backward (Subscription Required)

Aviation Week & Space Technology
06/11/2007, page 66

Open a good book on global warming and in its index you will find references to a wealth of data and analysis from NASA Earth sciences flight programs and scientists, as well as to their contribution to the growing awareness and understanding of risks our planet faces from greenhouse gases.

Thus it is a mystery how NASA's administrator, Michael Griffin, could have become so entangled during a National Public Radio interview on May 31, and how President Bush could have come up with so passive a greenhouse-gas proposal for last week's Group of 8 meeting in Germany.

Griffin is a very smart man who sometimes says not-so-smart things. He did it again on NPR, commenting that he couldn't say whether global warming is "a long-term concern." When a dumbstruck interviewer followed up, asking whether Griffin had "any doubt that this is a problem that mankind has to wrestle with," the administrator waded in up to his waist. "To assume that [warming] is a problem is to assume that the state of Earth's climate today is the optimal climate . . . and that we need to take steps to make sure that it doesn't change."



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