05 December 2007


(Forward dated a bit, so that people will see it for a while)

Well, I just finished up at my previous job. I don't blog about my job generally, because it is just begging to be fired.

I was working on a medical device for Becton Dickenson Diagnostic Systems, in Sparks, MD. Unfortunately, the project was canceled*, and as a contractor (temp) so was I (they had planned to keep me on for a few years).

They were very humane about it. They give me 4 weeks notice, which is pretty much unheard of.

It was a great place to work. Seriously. If you need to blow a goat to get in there, break out the Chap Stick.

Jobwise, things have worked out OK. Because of the notice, I finished on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and started my new job on the Wednesday following Thanksgiving.

I would have started on Monday, but I had a medical and dental appointment on Monday, and jury duty on Tuesday.

So, I am now working about 20 miles south of Baltimore (no more detail on the blog) for a company involved in the nuclear fuel cycle. I'm involved in decommissioning and waste encapsulation.

So, I'm fat, and I'm bald (that picture is 28 years old and none of your #$@!ing business pounds ago), and I work in nuclear power.

I'm Homer Simpson.

I've started to grow a beard to cover up this fact.

*No details on the project.....Not sure if anything would be proprietary.


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