08 November 2007

Breaking News, John Negroponte is a Moron

Here is a guy who takes our money, and as opposed to going after terrorists in the north, has spent it on gold plating his military machine to go after India in the south, but according to John Negroponte, he is indispensable.

The Pakistani military has spent the past 60 imagining the glory of der tag*, and Musharraf is very much a part of this dysfunctional and anti-Democratic culture.

Of course, the current alternative, Benazir Bhutto, is remarkably corrupt, even by the standards of Pakistani politics (Yes, I know, "corrupt even by the standards of Pakistani politics", is hard to wrap one's head around).

*The German Imperial Navy, in the days before World War I, constantly longed for der tag, the day, when they would confront the British Navy.


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