06 November 2009

Obama Knifes Gays Again

Not surprising, when he replaced the Gay friendly DNC chair (Howard Dean ) with yet another bible thumper (Tim Kaine)bible.

As I have said before, Barack Obama and His Stupid Minions are desperately afraid of offending homophobic bigots.

Well, the DNC was claiming that they sent those emails to folks in Maine, asking for support for Corzine in NJ, without any mention of the Hate Referendum in Maine by accident, but John Aravosis got a copy of an email sent to donors which proves that to be a lie.

Ironically enough, the email was from Andrew Tobias, who is the author of The Best Little Boy in the World, who later got involved in the comments section of the above thread, and blamed John for, "turning people against support of the Democrats," ignoring Obama's record on such things.

I think that it is absolutely clear now, between Donnie McClurkin, his reversals on DADT, inviting homophobes to offer prayers at the inauguration, and, of course, the disgraceful DOMA briefs that Barack Obama will do whatever is possible to avoid basic civil rights for gays.

I don't know if it's because he wants everyone to like him, and so does not want to offend anti-gay bigots (homophobia-phobia), or if he is homophobic himself.

It does not matter. There is a pattern here, and it's not going to change.

Excerpt of email after the fold.

Email to donors:
1. An email went out asking activists to make calls to New Jersey. It was insensitive not to omit Mainers from that email. I apologize that no one thought to do that. I can’t imagine it could have cost No On One even a dozen votes, but I still wish someone would have thought of this in time to catch it. Mistake noted.

2. A different email went out to Mainers urging them to vote. As the only thing of substance anyone was voting on in Maine was Question One, and as Democratic activists vote our way, this was a small but positive effort to be helpful.

I would have liked to see that email discuss No One One directly, in case there may have been an email-enabled Organizing for America activist someplace in Maine who did NOT know where Maine Democrats stood on this issue. (Out of the country without Internet access until the night before the election?) But I’m told there was concern that advocating specifically for a ballot initiative, whether LGBT or otherwise, would set a precedent for every other ballot initiative. Bureaucracies are nervous about setting precedents.


liberace said...


someone who doesn't want their children to have guidance on anal sex in elementary school.

smallpricklymammal said...

Homophobe: Someone who can't deal with their own homophilic urges.

Matthew Saroff said...

I would also add that anal sex is not a gay-only phenomenon.

Unprotected anal sex is remarkably common amongst the victims of abstinence only education.

Anonymous said...

Homophobe: someone who doesn't give a damn about what gays do behind closed doors but resents their attempts to obtain public legal sanction for their private lifestyle.

Matthew Saroff said...

Sorry, but this is about prohibiting a contractual relationship on the basis of sexual orientation.

Look at the history of marriage: It's a contract.

Sortition said...

Racist: someone who doesn't give a damn about what mixed-race couples do behind closed doors but resents their attempts to obtain public legal sanction for their private lifestyle.

Matthew G. Saroff said...

Heh, with the obvious caveat SDNWOTN. 8-)

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