05 May 2009

Ummmm....It's a Fracking Joke!

In an interview in New York Times Magazine, Arlen Specter is quoted as saying that he supports Coleman in the Minnesota Senate race.

Here is the full context:
Q: With your departure from the Republican Party, there are no more Jewish Republicans in the Senate. Do you care about that?

A: I sure do. There’s still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner.

Q: Which seems about as likely at this point as Jerry Seinfeld’s joining the Senate.

A: Well, it was about as likely as my becoming a Democrat.
It's a joke....It's not a good one, but it's a joke.

As a comedian, well, he's no Al Franken.....Come to think of it, as a Senator, well, he's no Al Franken....


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