24 June 2024

Please Let This Be True

We now have reports that federal prosecutors have recommended that Boeing be criminally prosecuted.

I hope that this is true, but my guess is that this is a strategic leak to get a settlement, and there are no serious plans to to actually to file charges:

Federal prosecutors are recommending to senior Justice Department officials that Boeing face criminal charges for failing to meet the terms of a 2021 agreement that would have shielded it from prosecution in connection with crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Criminal charges are only one of several options the department is considering and no final decision has been made, one of the sources said. The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.


The Justice Department in May said Boeing had violated terms of a 2021 “deferred prosecution agreement” that would have allowed the company to avoid criminal prosecution in exchange for meeting a number of conditions.

Since that announcement, prosecutors have been weighing how to move forward. While criminal charges are a possibility, the government has other options including reaching a settlement under a new deferred agreement, levying additional fines and imposing other conditions, including requiring an independent monitor to ensure that Boeing meets is obligations. Independent oversight of the company was not part of the 2021 agreement. Prosecutors also could opt for a trial. The department faces a July 7 deadline for how it will proceed.

I know that hanging Boeing executives by their thumbs is unconstitutional, because of the 8th Amendment, but it is tempting.


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