14 June 2024

Corrupt Partisan Assholes

I am referring, of course to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, which has just overturned the ban on bump stocks instituted by Donald Trump.

Of course, this was the intent of the Trump rule, since they knew that SCOTUS could overturn an administrative decision far more easily than they could a law passed by Congress, which seemed likely following the massacre at the  Route 91 Harvest music festival in 2017 in Las Vegas.

F%$# them:

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a ban on bump stocks, which enable semiautomatic rifles to fire at speeds rivaling those of machine guns, erasing one of the government’s rare firearm regulations to result from a mass shooting.

The decision, by a vote of 6 to 3, split along ideological lines. Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, said that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had exceeded its power when it prohibited the device by issuing a rule that classified bump stocks as machine guns.

“We hold that a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ‘machine gun’ because it cannot fire more than one shot ‘by a single function of the trigger,’” Justice Thomas wrote. His opinion included several diagrams of the firing mechanism, and he described in technical detail the internal workings of a firearm to show how a bump stock works.



The narrowly written decision was not a Second Amendment challenge. Rather, it is one of several cases this term seeking to undercut the power of administrative agencies. The court has yet to issue many of those opinions, including a challenge to a seminal precedent known as Chevron. However, the bump stock decision could signal support among the conservative justices for curbing the authority of administrative agencies.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissented, joined by Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

When they talk about, "Curbing the authority of administrative agencies," they mean a return to the Lochner era, where minimum wage laws, worker safety laws, child labor laws.

If the Democrats get back in control of both houses in 2024, pass a binding code of ethics on the Supreme Court, including the establishment of an inspector general, and maybe increase the court to 15 justices or so.

F%$# these guys.


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