12 June 2022

For the Love of God, Do Not Google “Goatse”

It appears that a disgruntled game developer has added "Goatse" to a Half Life 2 game mod.

If you know what "Goatse" is, you have my condolences, if you don't, you do not want to know.  That which is unseen cannot be unseen.

I will not be posting the image, (that image is NOT Goatse) and I will be expunging and descriptions from the report below: 

One of the reasons why Half-Life 2 is one of the most endearing games of all time is that it is goddamn Half-Life 2, another one is all the glorious fan content it gave birth to. No game deserves more thanks for bringing Half-Life 2 to the memestream than Garry's Mod,  an awesome open sandbox that allows players to use all models from Valve properties and create their own Source engine games. Trolls seem to have argued that Garry's Mod is too good, in fact, and so they've decided to fill it up with booby traps that are sure to traumatize anyone playing the game. Yeah, remember Goatse? We're sorry for reminding those who do, and we're even more sorry for the readers who don't know of it and are inevitably going to open google to search for something that will change their lives forever (for the worse). Goatse is a relatively ancient meme of great evil from a time when the Internet was an absolute free for all. It's a picture of ………
The horror………


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