- MIT and NASA engineers demonstrate a new kind of airplane wing (Phys.org) Legos, the future of aviation.
- Revealed: Amazon employees are left to suffer after workplace injuries (The Guardian) Juck Feff.
- How the Church Left Depoliticizes DSA Branches (Benjamin Studebaker) Money quote, "They can only do this because many of the people in these DSA branches are materially comfortable members of the professional class. ……… They don’t care about the citizens in their community who are confronted everyday with the visceral misery of poverty."
- List: Attorney General William Barr Summarizes Famous Broadway Musicals (McSweeney’s Internet Tendency) Best listicle ever.
- How a guy called Colin Platt became the richest person in the world (FT Alphaville) It was a joke crypto currency issue, but aren't they all joke crypto currency issues?.
John Oliver observes the obvious about Vince McMahon and WWE, that their personnel policies are abusive beyond belief, "When you've lost the moral high ground to the f%$#ing NFL, you are morally subterranean."
Re: DSA, I think you missed the point. The obsession with "PC (for lack of a better word) allows for power within the group.
These groups are a match for the Spanish Civil War, tearing down the 'imperfect' for the 'pure', and actually not caring that the enemy wins. In some cases, preferring it.
It's the Iron Rule of Institutions, people pursue power WITHIN an institution at the expense of the power OF that institution.
How does the iron law fit with the cult of purity?
The cult of purity drives out potential rivals while ensuring minimal actual power.
They are simpatico.
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