13 August 2018

The DNC Could F%$# Up a 2 Car Funeral

After less than 2 months, the DNC has reversed itself and decided that they will take energy company money after all.

The original motion was passed with an eye toward, "connecting with grass-roots voters and emphasize the party's stance on environmentalism," but apparrently it's big donors that matters:
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) overwhelmingly passed a resolution on Friday evening saying it welcomes donations from fossil fuel industry workers and “employers’ political action committees.”

Critics of the newly passed resolution are calling it a reversal of the DNC’s recently adopted ban on accepting donations from fossil fuel companies’ political organizations.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez sponsored Friday’s resolution that allows the committee to accept contributions from “workers, including those in energy and related industries, who organize and donate to Democratic candidates individually or through their unions’ or employers’ political action committees.”

Perez, who served as Labor Secretary in the Obama administration, said the new measure was a commitment to organized labor. The resolution also says that the party wants “to support fossil fuel workers in an evolving energy economy.”

This is about the money, and the cut that consultants get from wasteful media buys.

Do not donate to the DNC, or the DCCC, or the DSCC.

Choose your candidates, and dial directly.


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