13 September 2024

Quote of the Day

My spicy view about just why some billionaires - people who seemingly have everything they could possibly want and are almost entirely unaffected by anything that actually happens to the rest of us - are so into converting the country into a neo-feudal hellscape is that there are a couple of things that, despite their unimaginable wealth, they would have a hard time getting away with anywhere in the world.

Specifically, they want literal slaves, including child slaves, with all that implies.

Obviously, Mr. Black intent here is to be provocative, but that does mean that this is not true.

In fact, I would argue that this is, to quote Charles Dickens, "True ……… as turnips is. It was as true ……… as taxes is. And nothing’s truer than them."

Billionaires want to be God Kings who are exempt from the ordinary norms of human decency.

This is not a good or a healthy thing.

It would be best for society to arrest them, deport them to China, and force them to work at a Foxconn.


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