17 August 2024

About F%$#ing Time

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), has revoked their certifications of two doctors who have continued to push Ivermectin as a Covid treatment.

It has been known for about 4 years that this was bullsh%$, and that continuing to use the medication was dangerous, though not quite as dangerous as drinking bleach, and it is only in the past 10 days that these guys got their tickets pulled:

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has revoked the board certification of two physicians involved in the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).

An ABIM spokesperson confirmed to MedPage Today that Paul Marik, MD, and Pierre Kory, MD, had their certifications revoked as of August 8.

Marik and Kory previously had certifications in internal medicine and critical care medicine, and Kory additionally held a certification in pulmonary disease.

The ABIM spokesperson said the organization "does not comment publicly on the reasons for the revocation of certification," but the FLCCC had previously statedopens in a new tab or window that the action was taken because of the doctors' "public endorsements of early treatment methods for COVID-19, their discussions on repurposed medications, and their critique of vaccine risks and harms."

Initial notification to Marik and Kory about losing ABIM certification came about 2 years ago, in May 2022, according to the FLCCC. Last year, ABIM's Credentials and Certification Committee reportedly recommendedopens in a new tab or window -- after a "year-long back-and-forth" -- that Marik and Kory have their certifications revoked for spreading "false or inaccurate medical information."

Now, how about going after Joseph Mercola, who not only has been stridently antivax, but has caused thousands of deaths with his Jihad against Soy,  resulting in an increased incidence of breast cancer among women with BRCA mutations.

Actually, good luck with that one, he's an osteopath, and their professional standards regarding cranks are somewhat lax.

Unfortunately, there is no such certification for economists, so Emily Oster will continue to spread dangerous misinformation regarding the effects of Covid in schools without any repercussions. (She actually wrote an article in The Atlantic calling for. "Covid Amnesty," for folks who screwed the pooch like her.)


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